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20 enero 2015

Cadera/Hip: extracto de gambas para curar el cartílago

Arthroscopic Treatment of Hip Chondral Defects With Bone Marrow Stimulation and BST-CarGel
Marc Tey, Jesús Mas, Xavier Pelfort, Joan Carles Monllau
Arthroscopy Techniques, available online 19 January 2015


Microfracture, the current standard of care for the treatment of non-degenerative chondral lesions in the hip joint, is limited by the poor quality of the filling fibrocartilaginous tissue.

BST-CarGel (Piramal Life Sciences, Laval, Quebec, Canada) is a chitosan-based biopolymer that, when mixed with fresh, autologous whole blood and placed over the previously microfractured area, stabilizes the blood clot and enhances marrow-triggered wound-healing repair processes. BST-CarGel has been previously applied in the knee, with statistically significant greater lesion filling and superior repair tissue quality compared with microfracture treatment alone. In this report we describe the application of BST-CarGel for the arthroscopic treatment of hip chondral lesions.

Our preliminary data suggest that our BST-CarGel procedure provides high-quality repair tissue and therefore may be considered a safe, cost-efficient therapeutic choice for the treatment of hip chondral defects.

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